MVT Home

MVT Home
MVT Home

Mission Ventures Thailand

MVT Home

MVT Home is reaching people
in their Communities and
around the Nation for Christ.”

MVT Home Mission Ventures Thailand

MVT Home sends greetings from our MVT family and committed partners around the world!” Thank you dear brethren for your continual prayers and financial support for Mission Ventures Thailand MVT home. Only together can we reach out and connect with people in Thailand with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our ongoing work and walk together in obedience to His commands, seeing for ourselves has been a great privilege and blessing. To see peoples lives turned around as we take steps of faith with the Gospel of Christ, in reaching out into the various Thai communities where an MVT church is being established.

Living out the Great Commission effectively, we are able to connect with the Thai people through ACTS of Love in Action.  Besides this, with great blessings that have come from God, we are able to fulfil some of the needs of homeless children as well as the needs of families and children in communities around Thailand.

MVT Home Churches
and Locations

MV Dannok Church MV Bang Khan Church MV Lam Thap Church MV Satun Church MV Ubon Church MV Sung Noen Church MV Amnat Charoen Church MV Ban Muang Church MV Patong Phuket Church MV Kham Ta Kla Church MV Wanon Niwat Church MV Phu Khao Kham Church MV Wang Sa Mo Church

MV Patong Phuket Church

MVT Prayer Life
Points to note:

Praying for all the Little Seeds children that come daily to
the Little Seeds Community Centre:
As a result they will be impacted
by the love of Christ
to follow Him in their lives.

As well as catering for the needs
of these children; we bring hope
that they will experience the
true love of Jesus Christ,
through listening to
Bible stories and learning to read
and write together.

Also, experience the sense
of being part of
a family themselves.

For the team of volunteers
that will be ministering
to these precious children
and God’s provision
upon this place.

Mission Ventures Thailand MVT Ministries

“Our hope in Jesus
is to Involve and Inspire followers
of Christ to Impact their communities for the Gospel”

Prayer Life Ministry

The youth and children’s ministry venues for sports as well as proper learning facilities.
Including the care and well-being for the homeless, elderly and street children in their community!
Proclaiming the Gospel of salvation to all that will hear in their communities!

MVT Churches

Great Commission-
To proclaim the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the nation.
Connect Communities-
By being a blessing to those families in need in the surrounding community.
Church Planting-
Establishing new churches where the call of God is heard: So that those that hear will be called to lead and impact people to share the Gospel to others!

Little Seeds Ministry

Serving those precious children in community who are mostly homeless or come from broken homes.
Besides providing free English tuition, included is that The Little Seeds Life centre also provides them with meals after each session!

Mothers little hugs

There are many poor families with mothers and children that are under nourished and not cared for in their communities.
As a result these mothers and their children are constantly lacking in basic foodstuffs for their infants and young children.
Therefore, MVT recognises this need, and are looking for sponsors for this ministry!

Families in need

With joy and great blessings for the MVT churches are we able to reach out to families with the love of Christ; providing food packages and help where needed to connect with the community! >Isa 58:10

Care about the elderly

Ministering to the elderly and handicap as we meet them: With the opportunity to give out basic medical help as well as food packages rice, walking aids and adult diapers when needed!

MVT Bike Ministry

Motorbikes have shown to be very useful tools for the MVT Pastors and leaders so they can more effective with their ministries.
Also the bikes are used to transport members, visitation and food distribution!

MV Family

Impacting people’s lives around the world through mercy work, education, meeting the needs of families and church planting.
Joining up with existing ventures to Inspire and Involve people so that they can make an Impact on their own community!

MVT Sports Ministry

MVT has established the United Football Team in Dannok to develop a purposeful lifestyle among the team players.
As well as the Dannok Girls Volleyball Club to reach out to the youth of their communities!
In time, it is hoped that each church community will have similar facilities for the youth as the need arises!

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