Mission Ventures Thailand Little Seeds Comm MVT Little Seeds Community

MVT Little Seeds Community

Life of MVT Little Seeds in their Community

Mark 4:30-3230 Jesus said, how can I describe the Kingdom of God?  What story should I use to illustrate it?  31 It is like a mustard seed planted in the ground.  It is the smallest of all seeds. 32 but it becomes the largest of all garden plants.  It grows long branches and birds can make nests in its branches.

 Thank you for continuing to pray alongside with us…  

MVT Little Seeds Community Centre

MVT would like to thank God, Little Seeds Community Centre is able to resume again. Praise God for the committed team that are serving these precious children who mostly come from broken homes. Besides providing free tuition, this centre also provides them with meals after each session.

We are also thankful for the different people from the church and community that sponsors the meals/food.

Prayer Points to note:

  • Continue to pray that all the Little Seeds children that come here will be impacted by the love of Christ and that they will seek and follow Him.
  • Praise and thank God, the Little Seeds Community Centre is now able to resume.
  • The free English tuition classes will continue and draw the children to Himself.
  • Praise God! This centre has now a permit  under Christian Volunteer Association(CVA) to operate as a community centre doing value social work for the Dannok community.
  • Pray that through this place, these neglected children will experience the love of Jesus Christ, listen to Bible stories, learn to read and write together.
  • Prayer for the team that will be ministering to these precious children and God’s provision upon this place.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support.

“Lord Jesus, continue to bring children like this across our path that need your love in action…”

Meet some of the budding Little Seeds

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