Mission Ventures Thailand MVTF MVT Bike Ministry

MVT Bike Ministry

“MVT Bike Ministry
-MVTBM provides bikes to Thai Pastors and leaders
to help them with their Ministries”

 “MVT Bike Ministry MVTBM would like to take this opportunity
to say, “Thank you” to 
 CMA, MVI, MVA for their support and the funds to purchase motorcycles.” 

MVT Bike Ministry MVTBM

MV Det Udom Church – Blessing from God

Bike for this new church

MVT would like to give thanks to CMA MVI and MVA for blessing Pastor Somporn from MV Det Udom Church, Ubon Ratchathani, North-eastern Thailand with a bike and side carry. We thank God for His provision.

MV Det Udom Church bike provided

MV Dannok church

Namfon receives her bike

MVT would like to thank CMA MVI & MVA for blessing sister Namfon who is in charge of MVT accounts and a leader in MV Dannok Baptist Church with a bike.

We pray this bike will be a great blessing to her as she travels around serving the Lord.

Namfon, responsible for MVT accounts

MV Lam Thap church

Bike delivering foodstuffs to their community

Pastor Som Keat and his wife from Mission Ventures MV Lam Thap Church, Krabi Province is loading up his bike with foodstuff to be distributed to the needy families here.

MVT would like to thank MVI & MVA for the funds to purchase these foodstuff. A big thank you too to CMA & MVI for blessing this pastor with this bike with side carry. This bike is a huge blessing as it is the only vehicle they have to be used for transporting the members to church, visitation and distributing food aid.

MV Lam Thap Church bike at work

Haven Baptist Church – bike blessing the community

A big thank you to CMA, MVI & MVA for blessing Haven Baptist Church, Southern Thailand with this bike with side carry. This bike is a huge blessing as it is the only vehicle they have to be used for transporting the members to church and for visitation. 

MVT Bike Ministry MVTBM – Pastor Somchai loads up

Pastor Somchai Khamthongsuk, Patalung Province, Southern Thailand is loading up his bike with foodstuff to be distributed to the needy families and people who are house quarantined for Covid-19 here. A big thank you to CMA MVI & MVA for blessing this pastor with this bike with side carry. This bike is a huge blessing to Pastor Somchai as he uses it for transporting the members to church, visitation and distributing food aid.

“We pray that the Lord will continue to bless and expand these ministries of MVT.”

Involving and Inspiring people to Impact communities and Nations for Christ.

Motorcycles help to bless and bring Life back to Communities

Mission Ventures Thailand Church Locations

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