Mission Ventures Thailand MVT Blessing Ministries

MVT Blessing Ministries

Welcome to MVT Blessing Ministries Breakdown

MVT Blessing Ministries are activities that MVT church fellowships are directly involved in. Especially when it comes to reaching and connecting with their community around their churches.

The majority of these ministries are directed towards the children and families with various needs they have. Such as:

  • School Aid:- Helping them with their start up with uniform clothing, school bag and other accessories required when the family cannot provide for them.
  • Family Need:- Reaching out to the families within the community who are struggling in one form or another. Often proper nutrition of the children is lacking and the breaking down of the family unit is common.
  • MVT-Mothers and infants(Little Hugs):- cares for those mothers and infants that need assistance in their communities.
  • Care about and help with the elderly and handicaped:- Who are often neglected and find it difficult to ask for help. This gives opportunity to meet people in their homes and community.
  • ACTS:- There is always repairs and maintenance needed to be done on homes.
    With ACTS of ‘Love in Action’, there are skilled brothers and sisters ready to share their services that can handle these jobs!

MVT Blessing Ministries

Greetings, there are also further MVT Ministries
in the community unique to their church.
Reaching out to those in need through evangelism,
caring or connecting with families in their community.

Welcome to MVT Little Seeds Ministry

Prayer Points to note:

  • Continue to pray that all the Little Seeds children that come here will be impacted by the love of Christ and that they will seek and follow Him.
  • Praise and thank God, the Little Seeds Community Centre is open to all youth in community.
  • The free English tuition classes will continue to draw the children to Himself.
  • Pray that through this place, these neglected children will experience the love of Jesus Christ, listen to Bible stories, learn to read and write and relate together.
  • Prayer for the team that will be ministering to these precious children and God’s provision will always be upon this place, helping to shape their life for the future.

Welcome to MVT Blessing Ministries
and their Roles in Ministry

There are the ‘Community Centres’ administrated by MVT Foundation for the street children and children from broken homes that do not or can not attend church.
They are offered caring friendship and a safe environment as well as a proper meal.
They also have access to free English tuition when they attend.

‘Sponsorship’ from around the world plays an important role in the effectiveness of these ministries.

“Our hope in Jesus is to Involve and Inspire
 followers in Christ to Impact their communities with the Gospel” 

MVT asks for continued prayer for these tasks…

The gospel will be actively shared with people that need to hear in our local community

God’s provision to pay monthly rental of church building and provision for needs and resources for the community.

Youth and children ministries Venues for sports and learning facilities.

Meeting the needs and blessing families.
Caring for mothers with infants in the community.

Mission Ventures Thailand Church Locations

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