Satun Province, Southern Thailand
MV Satun Church
Table of Contents

MV Satun Church Direction and Goals for 2025 
Bible study – Teaching of the word of God
Visitation into the community
Leading in sports
Encouraging more men to attend church and be more involved in their community
Strong worship team
Teaching music and guitar
Being a blessing to the community
Seeking out leaders
Life of Praise and Worship at MV Satun Church

Family Needs met with Satun Church in community
Remember this deed O my God. Have compassion on me
We thank God for His provision, MV Satun church was able to continue reaching out to the needy community with the love of Christ by providing food relief.
Praise God, gospel tracts were also included in these food bags. The people were very thankful to receive these food bags as some of them are under quarantine after being tested C19 positive. >>>Isaiah 58:10 (AMP)

Please continue to pray for… 
The gospel will be actively shared with people that need to hear in our local community
God’s provision to pay monthly rental of church building and provision for needs and resources for the community.
Youth and children ministries Venues for sports and learning facilities.
Meeting the needs and blessing families.
Caring for mothers with infants in the community.

Mission Ventures Church locations in Thailand

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