Mission Ventures Thailand Family Need MVT-Aids Peoples basic Needs

MVT-Aids Peoples basic Needs

MVT-Aids peoples basic needs

Food relief for the refugees where it matters…

MVT-Aids Peoples basic Needs has always been one of our mandates. Since the C19 pandemic, MVT has been able to provide food relief to more than 2000 people from communities across Thailand. We were able to provide food relief to hundreds of Karen Myanmarese families who took refuge at the Thai-Myanmar border due to the civil war in Myanmar. Praise God!

MVT-Aids peoples basic needs and is grateful to MVI/MVA/MotiVateNZ for sponsorship and the funds to purchase foodstuffs and to cover the costs of transportation.

Many of the refugees came out and took the foodstuffs near the rivers delivered by longboat…Praise God!

These refugees are helped along the border whenever the resources are made available. Through the goodness of God and the generosity of His people …

Despite the many dangers and hindrances, MVT continues to trust the Lord to reach out to these refugees with supplies and materials for building shelters on a regular basis to cover their basic essentials for life.

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