MVT Dannok
Community Centre
Table of Contents
Songkhla Province,
Southern Thailand

MVT Community Centre Dannok
Watsrivitedsangkaram school
Gathering in Dannok
This is the only school in Dannok (std 1 till form 3) …they have 1000 students!
This school is in the grounds of the temple.

Yes, PTL for this connection made. There were plans actually to form teams to go in and give English classes before the pandemic…

MVT went to give some gifts to the students during this new year. The school came to know about us as we are using their field for our football practices.

Please continue to pray for…
MVT Community Centre Dannok
The gospel will be actively shared with people that need to hear in our local community
God’s provision to pay monthly rental of church building and provision for needs and resources for the community.
Youth and children ministries Venues for sports and learning facilities.
Meeting the needs and blessing families.
Caring for mothers with infants in the community.

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