MVT Donate

MVT Donate – Financial Commitment

MVT Donate form offers a way for you to help us with each new MVT church planted and growing daily, we continually have our trust in the Lord to provide the ongoing finances and resources needed. Thankfully, this new church growth comes with many opportunities for you as our partners to join with MVT in this exciting ministry.

A large portion of our financial needs for now will be for MVT pastor’s allowance and for the rental and upkeep of these church premises. Taking into account that most of the MVT churches are still very young in membership and have just been planted only over the last couple of years.

Also we foresee more churches as the Lord leads the way as well as our plans are that in about 5 to 10 years most of the more established churches will be more self-supporting financially in their resources and will make a real impact into their communities.
So we ask that you continually pray for this growth to be sustained and that the resources required to carry us through will be provided as we move forward into what God has planned for MVT.

Knowing that God is calling us to reach out and connect with the people and communities of Thailand with His Gospel.

Welcome to MVT Donate form for the Blessing Ministries Breakdown

MVT Donate is set up for various MVT Blessing Ministries are activities that the MVT church fellowship are directly involved in. Especially when it comes to reaching and connecting with the community around the church.

The majority of these ministries are directed towards the community children and the various needs they have. Such as:

  • School Aid:- Helping them with their start up with uniform clothing, school bag and other accessories required when the family cannot provide for them.
  • Care about and help with the elderly and handicap:- Who are often neglected and find it difficult to ask for help. This gives opportunity to meet people in their homes and community.
  • Sponsorship:- The resources that are always required to help with these various ministries.
  • Family Needs:- Reaching out to the families within the community who are struggling in one form or another. Often proper nutrition of the children is lacking and the breaking down of the family unit is common.
  • ACTS:- There is always repairs and maintenance needed to be done on homes.
    With ACTS of Love in Action, there are skilled workers ready to share their services that can handle the jobs!

Welcome to MVT Donate for More MVT Ministries

Greetings, Further MVT Ministries is focused on tasks that are outside of the main church activities in the form of reaching out to those in need or evangelism within the communities or further afield.

  • There is the Community Centres for the street children and children from broken homes that do not attend church. They are also provide proper meals to those children that attend and have access to free studies and English tuition.
  • Sports orientated ministries to create an environment of being together as a family and teaching and encouraging them to learn a disciplined lifestyle and a healthy pursuit and outlet for growth in character.
  • Various mercy relief schemes to reach the minority or forgotten people that have needs. Whether it be the poor of the community or refugees along the borders that have been made homeless or lacking in the basic essentials. One such venture is the distribution of packaged food and access to infant and baby supplies for families.
  • MVT Bike ministry (MVTBM) co-ordinates the provision of motorcycles, as an effective tool to help with the work of the these church ministries
  • Sponsorship from around the world plays an important role in the effectiveness of these ministries.
    As well as a means of finding workers to carry on the tasks laid out. There is a great need for workers that have a passion to reach the Thai people with the Gospel and offer to support the MVT staff in the churches and communities.

MVT Donate form

MVTF Donate form (#18)

“Thank you for your donation for the MVT ministry.”


Contact MVT

 95 M.6 Samnok Kham Sadao District 

 Songkhla Province, Thailand 90320 

 Tel & WhatsApp… 

 087-394-8522, 062-697-2493 (Thailand) 

 016-524-8740, 012-560-0656 (Malaysia) 

Please continue to pray for…

The gospel will be actively shared with people that need to hear in our local community, also….

God’s provision to pay monthly rental of church building and provision for needs and resources for the community.

Youth and children ministries Venues for sports and learning facilities, as well as…

Meeting the needs and blessing families.
Caring for mothers with infants in the community.

Mission Ventures Thailand Church Locations

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Contact MVTContact MVT

Mission Ventures ThailandTable of ContentsMission Ventures ThailandWelcome to MVTContact MVT 95 M.6 Samnok Kham Sadao District  Songkhla Province, Thailand 90320  Tel & WhatsApp…  087-394-8522, 062-697-2493 (Thailand)  016-524-8740, 012-560-0656 (Malaysia) Contact MVT on the web facebook fanpage : mission ventures