MVT Shine News 45

MVT Shine News 45
May 2024

MVT Shine News 45 happenings

MVT Shine News 45
Krabi Province, Southern Thailand
MVT Shine News 45
Pastor Somkiat Kaewjua and sister Sirinthan
MV Lam Thap Church

Testimony of God’s Work in MV Lam Thap Church

Hello, my name is Somkiat Kaewjua. I am 44 years old. My wife’s name is Sirinthan Kaewjua. We have 3 children; a daughter, who is 17 years old, two sons, who are 15 years old and 7 years old. I grew up in Krabi Province and my wife is from Chiang Mai province. We have been married for 21 years.

I work as a rubber tapper and serve God as the shepherd of MV Lam Thap Church. I have been serving God full-time in this church for the past 5 years. What is most significant about serving God in this church is witnessing people come to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. And, to receive support and relief through the MV Thailand ministry

Testimonies of God hands at work in this church

Our vision and leading Lam Thap church

Seeking out people in Lam Thap District to come back and believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour.

Sirinthan and I are striving to find ways to reach out and share God’s love with the people of Lam Thap District and nearby communities.

We are actively reaching out to the young people through music.

When the need arises mothers and infants are cared for (this ministry needs more funding and resources to be effective).

We also have regular children’s teaching sessions and youth gatherings every Saturday.

Prayers for specific needs of the church and community in Lam Thap

Lam Thap Church land and building for the Future

Church LandWe hope to have our own land for the church to use and benefit the community. Setting up various ministries such as sports activities, career promotion and training, as well as farming on the land. So that the resulting produce can be distributed to people in the community.

Church BuildingWe currently must rent a building which costs quite a bit each month. And many times, we had to relocate because the owner gave it to another tenant who paid better rent. If the church has its own land and building, we could build and provide a better future for many, as well as care better for those in need.  Currently my family do not have our own home.

Financial support for various
MV Lam Thap Church ministries

Due to most of the church members poor living standards and that income earning remain unstable, we therefore pray for financial support and resources, so that the ministries can continue to run effectively and further help the community break free from poverty.

Thank you for everyone who is partnered with us in prayer and support for MV Lam Thap Church and our community.  AMEN!

MV Asia Pacific Conference 2024

Hat Yai Thailand

All glory and praise to the Lord! We thank God for His hand of blessing for the conference in May where 14 nations came together. It was an awesome time together of celebrating all God is doing in and through ASEAN and the Asia Pacific regions.

All the national leaders from these countries were very encouraged and inspired by the message brought by the speakers, ministry reports from each country and the prayer time.

We thank God for a tremendous time of renewing in fellowship and connecting with each other again.

MV Asia Pacific Conference 2024 Album

“Your continued partnership with prayer and support will have a big impact on lives and advance the Kingdom of God. AMEN!”

☐ MV Thailand General Fund☐ Little Seeds Community Centre
☐ Church Planting & Evangelism☐ School Aid for students in need
☐ MVT land & church buildings☐ Infant needs-milk and nappies
☐ MVT church rental☐ Food aid for families & children
☐ MVT Pastor’s support☐ Family life development
☐ MVT church van☐ Student support
☐ MVT musical instruments☐ Christmas Outreach Ministries
MVT Sports Ministry

Mission Ventures Thailand Church Locations

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